[April Event Part 3] Slime of Destiny | Legend of Slime
Legend of Slime Event
[April Event Part 3] Slime of Destiny

Peace Keeper of the Monster Forest!

Greetings, this is Legend of Slime.

Who could be my destiny slime? (✧×✧)

Is the slime captured in the video my destiny!?

Watch the video and share a screenshot in the comment on social media!

Rewards will be given out through a draw❤

Shall we all look for our destiny slimes together?

There's a rumor that if you look closely, you might find the new slime hidden?!

[Youtube Shorts]

Legend Of Slime Official

[How to Participate]

Capture a screenshot of the video and share it in the comment on our social media.



[Event Period]

2024.4.15(Mon) 00:00 ~ 2024.4.30(Tue) 00:00(UTC)

[Result Announcement]

2024.5.7(Tue) 00:00(UTC)


150 Heart Gems (30 Users)


1. The rewards for this event will be distributed through DMs on the SNS platform you participated in.

2. The event schedule, content, and rewards may be subject to change or replaced with different rewards depending on our circumstances. Unclaimed rewards within the validity period cannot be recovered or reissued.

3. This event will be held with global users.

4. You will be excluded from winning if the following applies:

1) In case you have won the event but cannot be contacted through DM on the participating SNS account.

2) If the content includes inappropriate or offensive material.

3) If screenshots unrelated to this event are attached.

4) In the event of being unable to check comments on a private account.