[Event] Monster Forest Creepy Math Quiz Event (End) | Legend of Slime
Legend of Slime Event
[Event] Monster Forest Creepy Math Quiz Event (End)

Peace Keeper of the Monster Forest!

Greetings, this is Legend of Slime.

October 31st, known as Halloween in the human world, is a day for people to dress up as various monsters, ghosts, and witches.

Do our users, remember playing in costumes on October 31st?

It is said that the Monster Forest also enjoys festivities on Halloween!

Oh no! It looks like the humans have been caught in the Monster Forest.Σ(ʘωʘノ)ノ

It looks like the humans mistook the scary slimes for a costume and shouted "Trick or Treat!"

Still, Halloween is a festival for slimes and monsters!

It is said that the slimes have promised to release only those humans who answer the math quiz!

How about taking a thrilling math quiz together to free humans?ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙

Trick or treat! solve the math problem so they won't catch you!

We look forward to your participation!

[Event Link]


[Event Period]

2023.10.2(Mon) 00:00 ~ 2023.10.30(Mon) 00:00 (UTC)

[Answer Announcement]



A total reward of 10,000 gems, when the number of participants reaches 1,031.


1. The schedule, content, and rewards of the event may be changed or replaced with other rewards depending on the circumstances, and rewards not received within the validity period cannot be restored or reissued.

2. This Halloween event event will be held with global users.

3. All slimes presented in the problem are all natural numbers.

4. Even if you do not answer correctly, you will be counted as a participant.